Hey there, I'm Cornelia. If you're reading this, chances are we have more in common than you might think. Let me take you on a little journey – my journey – that might just resonate with where you are right now.

Playing by the Rules

For nearly three decades, I was the poster child for „doing it right“. I followed society‘s playbook to the letter - you know, that unwritten guide shaped by patriarchy, capitalism, and all the other -isms. I ticked all the boxes, jumped through all the hoops, and often went above and beyond.


My career path and life was testament to my adaptability and drive. From managing a complex project in construction to leading strategic restructuring as a board chair, from food styling to illustration, I constantly pushed myself to excel in new fields. I thought I was on the fast track to a successful, happy life, and respect. After all, that‘s what we‘re promised, right? Work hard, play by the rules, and you‘ll be rewarded.

The Harsh Reality

But here‘s the kicker - the reward never came. Instead, I found myself:

  • Burnt out
  • Deeply unhappy
  • Disrespected
  • Feeling betrayed

It was like running on a treadmill that kept speeding up. No matter how fast I ran, that promised land of „success“ remained frustratingly out of reach. The goal posts always seemed to shift just when I thought I was about to score.

The Breaking Point

Then came the crash. Burnout hit me like a ton of bricks, my health started to fail, and my personal relationships were crumbling. I was forced to face an uncomfortable truth: I had bought into a set of lies that served only to deplete and exploit me. 


I looked at my life and saw:

  • Deteriorating health
  • Unsatisfying relationships
  • Constant exhaustion
  • No time for myself
  • Persistent feelings of guilt and shame

The person staring back at me in the mirror? Tired, frustrated and increasingly bitter. This was not the person I wanted to be. 

The Turning Point

Finally, I reached a tipping point. The pain of changing, and ultimately leaving this unfulfilling life behind, became less daunting than the pain of staying put. I realized a profound truth: „I only have one life. What do I want it to be?“

The path I was on was clearly not creating a life that was good for me.

The Journey of Self-Discovery

What happened next was nothing short of transformative. I embarked on a journey of self-discovery that opened my eyes to aspects  of myself and the world around me I had never fully understood or appreciated.


The Neurodiversity Revelation

One of the biggest „aha“ moments came when I discovered I am neurodivergent. A big hello to all the other late diagnosed ADHD and autistic girls out there! I see you! Suddenly, so many pieces of the puzzle that was my life fell into place. It was like putting on glasses for the first time and seeing the world in crisp, clear detail.


Questioning and Reframing

Armed with this new understanding of myself, I started to dig deeper:

  1. I questioned my long-held beliefs, examining where they came from and whether they truly served me.
  2. I looked  at my behaviors and strategies, asking myself: „Is this helpful? Is this really me, or is this what I thought I should be?“
  3. I began the process of discarding what wasn‘t working, reframing skewed perspectives, and learning new, more effective ways of navigating the world.
  4. I promised myself to be kind and curious and retired my harsh inner critic.

Leveraging my Strengths

Throughout this journey, I found myself drawing on the strengths and skills I had cultivated over the years:

  • My lifelong love of learning became my superpower, fueling my quest for self-understanding and growth.
  • The experience of reinventing myself professionally multiple times gave me the confidence to embrace change and uncertainty.
  • The diverse skills and perspectives I‘d gained from my various careers provided a rich toolkit for problem-solving and creativity.

The Transformation

The changes I experienced were profound:

  • I learned to truly love and accept myself, quirks and all.
  • I learned to structure my days in alignment with my needs.
  • I took back control of my energy and my life in ways I never thought possible.
  • I unlearned the habits of people-pleasing and learned to stand up for myself.
  • I built my own tribe of supportive, loving relationships.
  • I navigated the challenges of menopause, seeing it as an opportunity for growth rather than a setback.

Where I am Now

Today, I am a woman transformed. Someone taking good care of herself and enjoying herself. Someone building deliberately the life she wants to live and enjoying it. I‘m not perfect, actually I don‘t ever want to be. I‘m still learning and growing every day and hope to do so until I die. I am living life on my own terms, feeling more fulfilled and authentic than ever before.


I‘ve learned to:

  • Embrace my different neurotype as a strength, even though it is not always easy to handle.
  • Trust my own instincts and values, rather than blindly following societal expectations.
  • Create a life that honors all aspects of who I am, including the parts that don‘t fit neatly into conventional boxes.

Now, as a certified Coach of Life Success, I‘m on a mission to empower women over 40 to experience the same freedom, joy, and energy that I‘ve found. I believe that contrary to societal myths, life doesn‘t wind down at 40 - it‘s a time rich with opportunities for reinvention and self-discovery.


My approach blends professional expertise with rich personal experience, offering unique insights in a safe, non-judgemental and empowering environment. I‘m passionate about helping my clients:

  • Uncover and mobilize their inner resources
  • Navigate midlife transitions with confidence
  • Transform challenges into opportunities for growth
  • Embrace their full range of emotions and passions
  • Step into their power and authenticity

Does my story resonate with you? Do you feel stuck, unfulfilled, or simply „blah“ despite outward success? Know this: You‘re not alone, and it‘s never too late to change course.


Are you ready to write your own story? To rediscover your spark and create a life that truly excites you? If so, I am here to help. Let‘s embark on this journey together, leveraging your unique strengths and experiences to craft a life that feels authentically, joyfully you. It‘s never too late to embrace your full potential and design a life that makes you proud every day!