Yes, it is possible! I am living proof that you can take back the power over your life and live joyfully. No matter your age, it is never to late!

Are YOU ready to rediscover your spark?

Does this sound familiar?

  • You‘ve worked very hard to get where you are, and it was great. But now you‘ve become restless and yearning for more.
  • Life somehow has lost its luster. You wonder if this is something you have to accept because it is part of aging, or if there is more.
  • Your life is good, but you feel stagnant. The thought of going on like this for the next ten years makes you want to scream.
  • You‘ve been so busy taking care of everybody else that you‘ve lost touch with yourself. You wonder who you could be if you took the time to explore.
  • Menopause is hitting, and you are not sure how to navigate this new phase in life.
  • Your kids are leaving home, and you realize you don‘t even have a plan what comes next.
  • You had some serious brushes with loss or failing health and realized how short and precious life can be. And realized that you want to approach life differently. You just don‘t know how.

Is this your life right now? You almost lost hope that it can be different?


It can be different! Vastly so!


I know this from personal experience. But: you will have to change the way you approach life. You will have to take an honest look at your beliefs, habits, your health and the people around you and take radical responsibility and action. The way you did life brought you to where you are right now. Your yearning for a different life is your inner knowledge that there actually IS more to life. You can  lead the life you truly want and unlock your dreams. Now is the time to break free from unhelpful beliefs and societal expectations and recover your authentic self. Through a blend of self-discovery exercises, practical strategies, and empowering techniques, I‘ll teach you to find out what you want in life, trust your intuition, set firm boundaries, and craft a future that excites you. You‘ll gain the tools to navigate life‘s challenges with grace, reignite your passion and purpose, and achieve holistic well-being.


Over nine months you’ll learn you how to become the vibrant, authentic, and empowered woman you‘ve always known you could be.

What if you could connect with your innermost essence and create a life that truly excites you - while honoring and harnessing your experience and accomplishments?

Imagine if you could…


… wake up each morning feeling energized and excited about the day, rather than drained by your never ending to-do-list?

… rediscover the passion and creativity you thought you‘d lost and ignite a new zest for life?

… feel comfortable and confident in your own skin, embracing your femininity without compromising your power?

… create deep, meaningful connections in your personal and professional life and be surrounded by people who truly understand and support you?

… design a lifestyle that balances your hard-earned success with soul-nourishing experiences, and allows you to thrive in every aspect of life? 

Wouldn‘t it be wonderful to finally create a life filled with achievement, joy, and a deep sense of purpose?

This is not a an unrealistic fantasy! It is possible. I tell you that, because I experience it every day. I went from that unhappy, stuck person to someone who is genuinely happy to live her life, even on the hard days. Nowadays 

  • I am at peace with myself
  • I have a clear vision of my life and no more fear of missing out in life
  • I have time for the things important to me
  • I exercise almost daily
  • I reversed a nonalcoholic fatty liver and got rid of insulin resistance
  • I have a tribe of people around me that understand and appreciate me
  • I structure and live my days in alignment with my neurotype
  • I feel at home in my body and relish it
  • I am gracious with myself
  • I am emotionally well regulated
  • I am no longer afraid of the hard days.

Getting there is hard work. I will not lie about that. But then, most women I know are highly familiar with hard work. They are less familiar with putting that hard work towards their own life. But imagine what a difference it makes if you make that shift. This shift is the starting point and you don‘t have to do it on your own. You don‘t have to read all the books and scour the internet, because I did that already and created this coaching program for you to make this process as effective as possible.

Is this what you were looking for? Then go ahead and apply for a discovery call and let‘s see if we are a good fit!

Radical acceptance, self-discovery, and accountability paired with a compelling vision lead to a life in alignment with your true self.

I created a none-month long program where I guide you through the process of transforming your life. Let me show you what you will learn:



Welcome to your

Voyage to Vibrancy!

When I started my journey I wanted to feel alive again. For such a long time I‘d felt numb on the inside from the sheer overwhelm and load of responsibilities. I wanted to experience again that almost vibrating joy I remembered from childhood. I wanted to savor life again. When I set out to rebuild my life vibrancy became like a lodestar guiding me along. The other thing I found incredibly helpful was the metaphor of treating life like a sea voyage. There are so many things I could understand better through that lense and reframe in a helpful manner. Living in a city with a big harbor I frequently walk there and watch the ships. Just sitting there and watch the harbor bustle is at once peaceful and inspiring. My personal favorite are tug boats, so no wonder that I picked a tug as my avatar. You pick the kind you relate to. Just pick one before you go on your journey. It is fun and it helps you move along. 

As you know now how the program came to its name….

Let me give you a sneak peak of what you‘ll learn on your Voyage to Vibrancy:

Module 1: Understanding Your Vessel

  • Explore the connection between your physical body and your mind and soul
  • Learn to honor both your body‘s wisdom and your inner emotional landscape
  • Develop a holistic self-care practice that nourishes your entire being - body, mind, and spirit

Module 2: Meet Your Inner Crew

  • Uncover the hidden aspects of your personality that have been steering your life
  • Learn to harmonize your inner voices for more confident decision-making
  • Tap into your inner wisdom to navigate life‘s challenges with grace

Module 3: The Ocean

  • Recognize and challenge societal expectations that no longer serve you
  • Develop firm boundaries to protect your energy and priorities
  • Create a personal manifesto that aligns with your true values and desires

Module 4: Deciding On Your Destination

  • Craft a compelling vision for your future that ignites your passion
  • Identify your core values and align your goals with what truly matters to you
  • Learn to quiet external noise and tune into your authentic desires

Module 5: Charting Your Course

  • Develop a strategic action plan to turn your vision into reality
  • Learn to leverage your unique strengths and experiences for success
  • Create systems that support your goals while honoring your natural rhythms

Module 6: Setting Sail

  • Implement powerful habits that propel you towards your dreams
  • Develop resilience strategies to stay the course when facing obstacles
  • Learn to celebrate your progress and build momentum for lasting change

Module 7: Navigating Stormy Seas

  • Master techniques to handle life‘s challenges with confidence and ease
  • Develop a toolkit for managing stress and maintaining emotional balance
  • Learn to reframe setbacks as opportunities for growth and selfdiscovery

Module 8: Mastering The Helm

  • Create a sustainable lifestyle that supports your continued growth and joy
  • Learn to trust your intuition and deal gracefully with life‘s uncertainties
  • Develop strategies to maintain your vibrant new life while inspiring others





Not sure if this high-level program is for you?

Find out by asking yourself the questions below:




„Am I willing to make the time necessary for this program?“

Usually our days are full already and we don‘t want to add even more on our plate. This program requires you to make time for journaling, self-observation and reflection. You will attend weekly Zoom calls and work through exercises. All of this takes time. It will be an adjustment to spend time on journaling, reflection and other new habits. However, these habits will ultimately safe you a lot time and energy as you will develop a clear framework of what deserves your attention. You will find that the more you apply what you learn the more space you will have for the things you truly value and enjoy. I do make an effort to keep the exercise load as manageable as possible, but this kind of deep personal work takes time.  

„Am I ready to take action now?“ 

This program is an investment of time and money in yourself, but if you are not willing to act and implement what I teach you, nothing will happen. I built this program specifically to empower you to understand your unique needs and circumstances and teach you how to adapt accordingly. The focus is on practical, real-world strategies that I‘ve personally tested and refined. As an AuDHDer I am very familiar with the feeling of not finishing things and loathing myself for it. But I am also familiar with the relief and encouragement coming from implementing successful strategies. This is why I always make things as easy and applicable as possible. This goes for all the exercises in the program as well. We will work on adapting strategies and techniques and how to keep them fresh so that you can benefit from them long-term. Keep in mind that sustainable change takes time and patience and is not linear. But you need to take action.

„Am I willing to invest money in my personal growth?“ 

I still remember the first time I decided to invest a high four-figure amount into personal coaching. My heart was racing and I was afraid of my own courage. I never regretted that choice, though, instead it was the starting point of intense and rewarding personal growth and I learned that investing in coaching is fast tracking personal growth, indeed.

Not investing in yourself often leads to the proverbial crashing into the wall and resulting much higher costs - both financially and emotionally. I am speaking from personal experience. This program is an investment in your well-being and future. As women, we often prioritize others, but it is crucial to nourish our own spirit, too. Remember, if you knew how to make this change alone, you would have done so already. Getting expert guidance and a safe place where we can explore, grow and be encouraged is the best gift we can give to ourselves.

Having said this, if you are strapped financially work on your financial situation first and come back later. 

„Will it work for me?“

Often limiting beliefs are sabotaging our progress. This program is designed to address these deep-seated beliefs. Change is a step-by-step process that takes time, and we‘ll work together to tackle the root causes holding you back. As long as you are committed and don‘t give up, you will see progress - it might take time, but transformation will come.

Having said this, sometimes we are just not at the point, yet, where we are able to let go of certain beliefs. Or we hope that someone will solve the problem for us. If this is the case for you, you shouldn’t apply for this program.

„Am I willing to evaluate my long-held beliefs and habitual behaviors, and let go of those that no longer serve my growth and happiness?“

Much of the work in this program will examine and challenge your core beliefs and patterns that have shaped your life so far. Some of them may be limiting your potential or happiness and in order to achieve your transformation you will need to let some go. This process can be uncomfortable, mostly because it makes us feel ashamed. But it's essential for creating lasting positive change in your life to take a candid look. Dealing with feelings of shame in a kind and productive way is one of the first things we will learn in this program. But you will find yourself out of your comfort zone and you need to be okay with that. 

„Am I ready to embrace change and take a leap of faith to create the life I truly desire?“

If you embark on this journey you will know what you leave behind: The life you no longer want to live. But before the new life you create will be visible you will experience a time of transition where you have to accept the uncertainty. You know what you want to accomplish, but you have nothing to show for a while. You hope but have no guarantee. When things get challenging the temptation will rise to go back to your old way of life. Not because it was so great, but because it is familiar and self-doubt may creep in. This transition time can be challenging, but is part of the process and unavoidable. Usually it takes several rounds of adjustment and trying things to find out what is right for you. And, yes, I will teach you how to make that phase more bearable. No worries.

„Am I able to make decisions about my life independently, without needing permission from others?“

Taking ownership of your life choices is crucial for personal empowerment. It‘s important to recognize that when we change, it can sometimes create discomfort or resistance in those around us. This is natural - our growth may challenge the status quo and require others to adjust their expectations and behaviors. While it is okay if you‘re not ready to face this resistance yet, you need to be willing to stand up for your choices if you want this program to work for you.

However, if you are in a situation where asserting yourself could put you at risk, your safety comes first. If this is the case work on creating a plan to secure your wellbeing before you think about anything else. Prioritizing your safety is a huge step towards a vibrant life and the foundation for all positive change!

„Can I approach new ideas and opportunities with an open mind, while still thinking critically about them?“

Growth often requires us to be receptive to new perspectives and possibilities. This doesn't mean accepting everything at face value, but rather cultivating a balance between openness and discernment. By listening attentively to new ideas and considering opportunities that might initially seem "not for you," you open doors to potential growth and transformation. Your current way of thinking and behaving has brought you to where you are right now. In this program you work on creating a different life for yourself. This means some of the things you will learn might feel foreign to you, which is fine. But are you willing to try new things instead of dismissing everything that challenges you?

Did you think about the questions above? If you your answer to them is „Yes!“ go ahead and apply for your discovery call!

What clients say about working with me: