There are always people giving us insights, teaching and encouraging us. We do the work, yes, but we don‘t have to invent the wheel again. Others went before us and
invite us to learn from them. Coaching, books, videos, pod casts, social media, there are so many helpful resources out there. They allow you to learn and get inspired by people you might never
be able to meet in real life. How awesome is that?!
Below I list some of the resources I found most helpful in my own journey. This list is forever expanding and growing - I try to structure it roughly, but topics will overlap and
move. I invite you to browse this eclectic collection and pick what is helpful to you to build the life you want to live!
It has been one of the hardest reads of the last few years. Not because it isn‘t well written, it is very much so, but because it forces one to accept a very harsh reality: That there are men out there who hate women with a vengeance. And they are not a rare freak, but more numerous and influential than we would have thought. I consider it one of the most important books in my library.
Excellent journey through the centuries with a witty and thoughtful historian that highlights how patriarchy has been propagated and solidified its hold over the centuries; and how much those historical influences still hold sway today.